- Items of Israel-

They Called Our Lord "Rabboni" -- "Master"
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worshiping as our Lord worshipped.

The blowing of the ram's horn (shofar in Hebrew ) is used to usher in the biblical festivals of Israel, including the Sabbath, and to inspire people to amend their lives and repent.

The sounding of the shofar

  1. symbolizes freedom and liberty
  2. proclaims the anniversary of the creation of the world
  3. is a reminder of the giving of the 10 commandments at Mt. Sinai, and
  4. is a sound that is guaranteed to confuse and chase Satan away.

The shofar is most often made from a ram's hoary, but the horn of a sheep, goat, or antelope can be used. However, you should never, never use the horn from a steer, as this would be reminiscent of the golden calf made by the children of Israel in the desert, as described in Exodus 32.

From biblical description, there are three different sounds blown:

bulletTIKIYAH - a single long blast.
bulletSHEPHARIM - 3 medium blasts in succession.
bulletTRUAHAH - 9 short, staccato blasts.

In the new testament, the sound of the shofar (trumpet) is associated with the second coming of Jesus, "for the Lord Himself will descent from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first". (I Thess 4:16). Also, ''listen, I tell you a mystery: we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed- in a flash, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised.... ". (1 Cor 15: 51,52).

Anointing Oil
This Anointing Oil is made with extraordinary care, using only virgin olive oil acquired from the trees around Jerusalem, with strict attention to purity - leaving it free of any trace of residual after-scent. It is then blended with 90 different aromatic plants native to the mountains of Jerusalem, and finally enriched with the mysterious sweetness of frankincense and myrrh.

In the footsteps of a biblical custom that goes back thousands of years, the ANOINTING OIL is now given to us. It is enriched with Frankincense and Myrrh, the highest quality ceremonial anointing oil, produced entirely in Jerusalem.

Ancient chronicles show the great significance of oil in worship and dedication to our Creator. Only the purist olive extract was considered acceptable for use in anointing. This clear oil was then blended with sweet spices and solemnly poured on the priests and kings of Israel.

Anointing Oil is extraordinary, especially for those who are working with spiritual work in synagogues and churches, preparation for a ministry, dedication and holiness. It can also be applied at an event where our Creator's anointing and presence are desired.

"The consecration of the anointing oil of his G-d is on him." ~ Leviticus 21:12
"You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows." - Psalms 23:5


(pronounced tal-leet)

The Tallit is a prayer shawl, worn by Jewish men as a covering during prayer. The fringes, or "tzitzyot", on the four comers are required dress for Jewish men according to Numbers 15:37-41. They remind each Jewish man of his responsibility to fulfill God's commandments, "you will have these tasscis to look at and so will remember an the commandments of the Lord...".

This (zitzyot are tied into 613 knots to constantly remind the wearer of the 613 laws of Moses, of which there arc 248 prohibitions and 365 affirmations. Historically, these tasscis also came to be associated with a persons authority For example: In the caves of Ei n Gedi, David cut off the fringe of King Saul's garment, taking his authority He then gave it back to Saul in humility (Sam 24).

Ruth said to Boaz, "spread the comer of your garment over me since you are a kinsman-redeemer, "indicating she was placing herself under his authority (Ruth 3).

In Mark 5:30-31, we see the woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years "touching the hem" of the garment of Jesus, and she was healed. The "hem" was actually the tassels of His robes, which she understood to represent His authority. Her faith in Him healed her later, in Mark 6:53-56. we see others who had heard of this miracle coming from all over Galilee and "they begged Him to let them touch even the hem of His garment and all who touched Him were healed".

In Christianity today, both men and women use the Tallit or Prayer Shawl.  Covering one's head is symbolic of the covering of Jesus Christ or Yeshua over their lives.  Covering their lives in prayer.


May the peace of God fill your soul and set you free . . .

Whom the Lord has set free . . . is free indeed.